Rant – We had some beautiful weather the last couple weeks. I mean it was “Bring out the shorts and sunscreen and start filling out your vacation requests for the first trip to the beach” kind of weather. However starting over the weekend it became rain and COLD! What??? No! You can't tease us with great weather and then take it away. Hopefully it’ll change back soon.
Rave – I took a random trip to Marshalls during lunch yesterday and found the most fabulous pair of shoes! They are beigey-pinky with an iridescent shine to them. I have been looking for a neutral shoe for a while and I just happened to stumble over these. And the Marshalls prices are oh so wonderful.
I also found a couple rugs that I’m thinking about for the Charlotte living room. Our walls are a bright garnet, they were like that before we moved in, and the couches are green so I need something to tie all the colors together. What do you think? 
Rant – I’ve been watching America’s Next Great Restaurant lately and I love all the people who have healthy fast food concepts. I was trying to figure out what I should pick up for lunch today and I had a really hard time thinking of something flavorful but good for me to pick up. Step up Columbia, I can only go to Garden Bistro so many times a week before they start to look at me funny.

Rave and Rant – If you don’t already know I’m kind of a book fanatic. I have a million books on my shelves that I haven’t gotten around to reading yet but if I step into a book store I can’t help but purchase a couple new ones. I’ve been good lately and hadn’t stopped by ‘just to browse’ for a while, however yesterday I needed a greeting card and stopped by Books a Million because it was most convenient. Well this is what happened! The rant is totally my fault though.