How Far Along? 36 Weeks! We are officially 9 months!
We hit the “month before our due date” on Sunday. It’s crazy
to think how fast it has gone.

Size of Baby: Large Cantaloupe (19-22 in, 6 lbs)
Gender: Team Pink
Maternity Clothes: Still down to four maxi dresses in rotation. I can’t wait to add some of my old clothes back into the mix. Also I received some super-hot lingerie in the mail: nursing bras, pads, and some lovely shape wear. ;)
Nursery: We were not as productive as I wanted to be this weekend. But we have an official list now and we are going to check stuff off during the week. We are still waiting for our rug to come in and we are going to buy a new ceiling fan and have a dimmer switch installed.
Movement: All the time and girlfriend packs a punch. You can pretty much see her move from the outside all the time now. She loves to move during church, which we are hoping is a good sign. There have been a couple times recently that the kicks are not so cute and have taken my breath away. I think I give Andy a heartache every time.
Symptoms: The usual swollen hands and feet. We had some cooler temperatures over the weekend and I actually got to see my ankles for a bit. It was great! Good to know they are under all that puffiness and hopefully will return soon after baby arrives.
Sleep: Well, I think my sleeping peacefully through the night may have passed. I have a really hard time turning my brain off at night. (I’ve always had this problem and Melatonin would help, but I can’t take that while pregnant.) There are so many things to think about. It’s hard to find a comfortable position and boy does Anna Grace love to kick up a storm right around 11:30pm. Does that mean she will want a feeding around that time when she is here?
Something new about
bedtime is that Camden has started sleeping in our room, which he never does.
He usually roams throughout the house looking for the coolest spot during the
night, but starting a couple nights ago he lays down on the rug in our room and
goes to sleep. Clearly he knows something is about to happen and it makes me
think my water will break in the middle of the night.
Cravings: Carbs as usual, but trying to keep that in check.
What I Miss: Cute clothes, wearing my wedding rings, wearing more than one pair of shoes every day.
Best Moment This Week: I washed all of Anna Grace’s clothes this weekend in Dreft. It was the cutest laundry I’ve ever done. I’ve heard people talk about the smell, but it really does put you in the baby mood. Even Andy thought it smelled good. I put everything away in her dresser and I have a couple outfits to iron, I know I’m crazy for ironing baby clothes, and then we will be all set.
Cravings: Carbs as usual, but trying to keep that in check.
What I Miss: Cute clothes, wearing my wedding rings, wearing more than one pair of shoes every day.
Best Moment This Week: I washed all of Anna Grace’s clothes this weekend in Dreft. It was the cutest laundry I’ve ever done. I’ve heard people talk about the smell, but it really does put you in the baby mood. Even Andy thought it smelled good. I put everything away in her dresser and I have a couple outfits to iron, I know I’m crazy for ironing baby clothes, and then we will be all set.
Looking Forward To: Checking stuff off that list. I sat down and figured out everything I want to get done before baby gets here. This way Andy knows what I want done and we can cross things off together. Since I can’t plan baby’s arrival all I can do it try to be as prepare as possible.
Ahhhh so close! I need to do a load of Dreft this weekend too! And I agree with you - just be as prepared as you can. Have you packed yours and the Baby's bag?
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful picture of you and your hubby!! It sounds like you are doing a terrific job preparing, Sarah! So excited for you!! :)