I met up with a good friend this week at one of my favorite Columbia restaurants Cantina 76. We got the trio, which is salsa, queso, and guacamole, and a round of the Honeysuckle Margaritas. Have you tried these things yet? They are amazing! They are made with Cathead Honeysuckle Vodka and were a perfect addition to our catch-up session. TWO
We had a snow day Tuesday and Wednesday so we caught up on some great movies. We watched The Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle. They both were full of huge name actors and were all about opulence and making easy money. I liked both but it was a sensory overload watching them back to back.

If you are looking for a mindless, easy read, chick lit book I have a great one for you. It's call The Finishing Touches by Hester Browne. A woman takes charge of an old fashion finishing school in England and tries to bring it into the modern day.

The Super Bowl! Whether you love sports or hate them I think everyone can enjoy the Super Bowl. It's a great reason to get friends together, have good junk food, and the commercials are sometimes way more entertaining than the game. Speaking of commercials, have you voted for the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl commercial yet? If not click here and watch all the entries. They are hysterical.

I am going to a baby shower tomorrow and I found the sweetest saying on Pinterest. I printed it out and framed it as part of my gift to the soon-to-be-mom.

Have a great weekend!!!!