
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Out Of My Comfort Zone

The other day a couple coworkers asked if I'd like to go to lunch. I said yes and jumped in their car.

I realized I didn't ask where we were going and we pulled up to a place I've never been called Good Life Cafe.

We sit down, look at the menu, and I immediately knew something was different. Turns out we were at a vegetarian, vegan, non-dairy, raw restaurant. Who know they had that in Columbia, SC?!?!?

Thankfully I was dining with an expert and let her guide (i.e. order for) me.

We got a cup of "queso" to share and I got the taco salad and silently planned to grab a cheese burger on the way home from work since I figured I would be starving.

Turns out, everything was delicious and I was crazy full after our meal. Everything is made out of nuts and veggies and while you feel full at the end you don't feel gross and weighed down. Everything tasted amazing and you forget instantly that "things are not as they seem".

While I have no intentions of giving up meat or dairy, I really liked Good Life Cafe and the fact that they are vegan.

All I can say is try it for yourself, I promise you will like it.

1 comment:

  1. YES! Celia posted about this (maybe on Insta) a little while ago and I've been wanting to check it out! What I've noticed about my veggie recipes is they do make you really full afterwards. I always expected to feel hungry afterwards too but I'm glad you enjoyed it :-D


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