I also have a decorating fever at the moment, but sadly I have nothing to decorate. For the first time in literally months I have free time on my hands. Since November we have been nonstop at the arena and I haven’t had time to do laundry no less wonder around random stores. But now I’ve had a chance to catch my breath and I’ve taken a liking to places like Ross, Marshalls, and Bed Bath and Beyond. They have random home décor like vases and picture frames and end tables, none of which I need right now because I don’t know what my living situation is going to be in the future. I badly want a place of my own that I can decorate and manage exact how I want to. I’ve never lived on my own and it’s definitely a life goal of mine. I think it’s very important to learn how to be by yourself and not be lonely all the time. I’m totally excited and I think I have a color scheme picked out and some other ideas decided on. If you have already decorated on your own or want to as well I’d love any ideas, tips, comments you have. Here are a couple things I liked from Pier 1. I love anything colbalt, polka dots, paisely, sunflowers, and pairing black and white with a bright color.
Currently I’m still reading: Three for Cocktails by: Madeleine Wickham. It’s pretty good but it’s a little depressing in the sense that it shows how being a grown up definitely has its disadvantages. It shows the lives of three ladies; one becoming a mother, one having an affair, and one who is being taken advantage of by a friend. I did really enjoy the Southern wedding book that I just finished. It was very funny and has some fabulous recipes that I can’t wait to try.