I never intended this to be a check in once a month kind of blog but I think I’ve been so busy doing stuff that I forget to record it for all you lovely people. ;) I was thinking today about how September has become one of my favorite months simply because it is the beginning of so many different seasons. First it’s the beginning of fall which I love best. It’s sweater, tailgating, jackets, no need for air conditioning, season.
The ‘season’ starts tonight at the Colonial Life Arena. We kick it off with Sesame Street Live. Woho! Except it’s been a little sad because apparently kids just don’t watch Sesame Street like they did when we were kids. I’m not sure what they are watching but it makes me sad to think that Big Bird and Elmo are slowly being phasing out.
The television show season is also starting back. Generally speaking I’m not much of a TV person. I’d rather read or watch a movie. However I have become addicted to a couple mindless shows and I’m so excited they have started again. My mom and I are the reason that stations run marathons, because if we start watching one we are instantly addicted to it. That is how we became obsessed with Project Runway, America’s Next Top Model, Top Chef, and Desperate Housewives. I realize these shows don’t offer much of an intellectual aspect, but I love them!
I’m very proud of myself on how I have also continued my reading obsession and fall is the perfect season to curl up in a blanket and read. My list of ‘want to read books’ is embarrassingly long now. I add to it constantly. I’ve been blessed to find a couple girls how have the same taste in books, pure chick lit mostly, who have graciously let me borrow a ton of their books. Is it bad that some mornings I wake up and just want to sit outside all day and read? That would be a perfect day.
One last thought, yet another season has started, and it’s pretty much the most important. And I’m talking about FOOTBALL season of course. My beloved Gamecocks aren’t supposed to be very good this year but that won’t stop people from going to the games or wavier my loyalty. I’ve already had a ball cooking for the games. I made beer cheese dip that didn’t turn out very good, but the Bourbon balls and Oreo balls were a hit. If anyone has any good tailgating recipes send them my way. I’ll need them!
Currently I’m reading:
Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiners. I love her style and humor, although it seems like her main characters are always either over weight or pregnant, neither of which I have any experience with. Cannie in this novel is both. And
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. It about Lara who is ‘haunted’ by her great aunt Sadie and is sent of a wild goose chase to find a necklace from her pass in order for Sadie to peacefully pass on. I really like it but it’s taking me a while because I just don’t have enough time to read! :(